흔히 MUX 라고 부르는 IC 이다.

여러 입력 중에서 1개를 취할 때 쓰인다.

현재 보유중인 녀석은 

* 74LS151

 매우 평범한 1 of 8 MUX 이다. 즉, 8개 중에 1개를 SELECT 한다.

* 14053BCN Triple 2 channel Analog Multiplexer

 이건 2 Channel Analog 입력을 1개로 선택할 수 있게 해주는 MUX 이다. INPUT 전압 3.0 V ~ 18V 까지 사용할 수 있다. 이런놈이 3개 들어있는거다.

블로그 이미지

Good Joon

IT Professionalist Since 1999


[부품 구매]

* 모터류
  . 모터뱅크 : www.motorbank.kr - 모터 종류 많이 파는 곳

* 전자부품 종합
  . 엘레파츠 : www.eleparts.co.kr 
  . 디바이스마트 : www.devicemart.co.kr 
  . ICBanQ : www.icbanq.com -
  . 가치창조기술 : http://vctec.co.kr/

* 아두이노 전문
  . 다두이노 : http://www.daduino.co.kr/ - 2015.03.11 오픈한 쇼핑몰. 호환제품 많고 비교적 저렴함.

[각종 까페]

* 네이버
  . 당근이의 AVR 갖고놀기 : http://cafe.naver.com/carroty - 각종 IC 와 관련한 정보들이 많다



블로그 이미지

Good Joon

IT Professionalist Since 1999


 이 MySQL 이란 DB 는 제가 IT 생활을 하면서 도대체 몇번을 설치하고있는지 모를 정도로 자주 설치해서 사용하네요. 그만큼 돈없는 회사나 개인, 프로젝트에서는 축복받은 존재이기도 하죠.

 오늘은 이 MySQL 의 설치 과정을 블로그로 남겨볼까 합니다. 그냥 apt 나 yum, rpm 으로 설치하면 재미 없죠. 소스로 컴파일 해서 궂이 root 계정이 아니더라도 운영할 수 있도록 해보겠습니다. 


Ubuntu 13.04 
mysql 5.6 source distribution package

1. 재료 준비

MySQL 소스

 MySQL 다운로드 페이지에서 카테고리를 Source 로 선택하면  "Generic Linux (Architecture Independent), Compressed TAR Archive " 가 보입니다. 다운로드 받으면 됩니다.

 MySQL 도 C 로 개발되었기때문에 glibc (GNU C Library) 에 Dependency 가 있습니다. 현재 Ubuntu 13.04 에 기본적으로 포함된 glibc는 버전이 2.17 입니다. (GLIBC 버전 확인은 getconf -a 로 확인할 수 있습니다. MySQL 5.6.19 버전은 glibc 2.5 이상 버전에 Dependency 가 있는걸로 보입니다.)

cmake 빌드할 때, -DENABLE_DOWNLOADS=1 해서, google_mock 같은 써드파티 라이브러리 소스 함께 다운받아 빌드하도록 옵션 준다.

mysql 의 cmake 빌드 옵션은 아래 URL 참고


오류났을때는 조치하고, CMakeCache.txt 파일을 지우고 나서 다시 cmake 해야 한다.




make install

2013-08-28 15:07:25 26770 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start 2013-08-28 15:07:25 26770 [Note] InnoDB: 5.6.13 started; log sequence number 0 2013-08-28 15:07:25 26770 [ERROR] Aborting 2013-08-28 15:07:25 26770 [Note] Binlog end 2013-08-28 15:07:25 26770 [Note] InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting. 2013-08-28 15:07:25 26770 [Note] InnoDB: Starting shutdown... 2013-08-28 15:07:27 26770 [Note] InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 1600607 2013-08-28 15:07:27 26770 [Note]

mysqld_safe --verbose --help 하면, 마지막에 현재 세팅된 variable 나옴.

그런데 요게 역시나 유저 권한으로 띄우기에는 적합하지 않은 옵션들이 기본값임.

바꿔야할것들이 있음..


basedir = /usr 


general-log-file = /var/lib/mysql/chrubuntu.log

language                                                   /usr/share/mysql/

lc-messages-dir                                            /usr/share/mysql/

log-error                                                  /var/log/mysql/error.log

pid-file                                                   /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
plugin-dir                                                 /usr/lib/plugin/
socket                                                     /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock


지금 생성한 my.cnf 를 기본으로 띄워야 하는데.. 방법은 두가지 ..

1. my.cnf 파일을 ~/.my.cnf 파일로 복사해줌~! 

 /etc/my.cnf 파일이 있거나, /etc/mysql/my.cnf, 같은게 있으면 없애줌~!

 왜냐하면, /etc/my.cnf 있으면, 이걸 먼저 로딩하기 때문임.

2. 모든 mysql 관련 실행파일에 --defaults-file=/경로/my.cnf 를 써줌.

난 1번을 선택했음~!

$ scripts/mysql_install_db


$ bin/mysqlad_safe & 

해서 띄워보고 에러 나는지 확인

$ bin/mysqladmin -uroot password '내패스워드'

로 root 패스워드 변경함

root 에게 ANY 에서 접속할 권한 주려고..

3가지 방법 존재함.

1. GRANT 쿼리 사용

2. mysql_setpermission 유틸 사용

우선 실행하니 이런 에러 남..

perl 에 DBI 모듈 없어서 그램..

다시 perl 모듈 부터 설치해야하니..

# perl -eshell -MCPAN 

cpan> install local:lib DBI (or how it is called)

요렇게 해주기.. 

다시 cpan 쉘로 들어가려면, 그냥

$ cpan 하면 됨.

그런데, 이게 끝이 아니다.. 그래도 경로를 못찾는다..

CPAN 이랑 perl 이랑.. 뭐이리 복잡함??


요거 참고해서 차근히 함 해보자.

==> 하고 보니, install DBI 를 CAPN 의 shell 에서 하고 나서,

~/.cpan 디렉토리로 가서 .. => install 로 하지 말고, 그냥 get DBI 하자..

get DBI 해서  ==> 아니야~~!!


cpan shell 에서..

o conf makepl_arg INSTALL_BASE=~/perl

o mbuildpl_arg --install_base=~/perl

이렇게 해주고 나서, 

.profile 에서,.

export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:~/perl/lib:~/perl/lib/x86_어쩌구.. 

해줘야 함.


cpan> install local:lib 함 해주고

cpan> instal DBI 함 해주고

cpan > install DBD:mysql 하면 에러나는데..

우선 밖으로 나가서,

~/.cpan/build/DBD-mysql-xxx 에서

$ perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=~/perl --mysql_config=/home2/dev/db/mysql/bin/mysql_config

로 수동으로 빌드 해줘야 함.

뒤에 --mysql_config 옵션에 mysql 설치된 디렉토리에서 bin 디렉토리 보면 mysql_config 라는 파일 있는데 그거 지정해줘야 함.

위처럼 Looks good 이 나와야~~!



make install

드디어 mysql_setpermission 을 쓸 수 있음!~

여기서, root 에 % host 를 추가해줄거이므로, 3번 선택.

3. 직접 user 테이블에 INSERT 하기


1. ncurses 라이브러리 못찾는 경우

-- Could NOT find Curses  (missing:  CURSES_LIBRARY CURSES_INCLUDE_PATH)
CMake Error at cmake/readline.cmake:83 (MESSAGE):
  Curses library not found.  Please install appropriate package,

      remove CMakeCache.txt and rerun cmake.On Debian/Ubuntu, package name is libncurses5-dev, on Redhat and derivates it is ncurses-devel.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake/readline.cmake:127 (FIND_CURSES)
  cmake/readline.cmake:217 (MYSQL_USE_BUNDLED_LIBEDIT)
  CMakeLists.txt:257 (MYSQL_CHECK_READLINE)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

요따구로 나오는거..

$ sudo apt-get install ncurses5-dev 

$ sudo apt-get install ncursesw5-dev

로 설치 해야한다~ ! 꼭~ ncurses5-dev 를 설치~ 

ncursesw5 는 다국어 뭐시기란다..


CMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage

CMake Error: Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed

-- Performing Test HAVE_NO_UNUSED_TYPEDEFS - Failed

-- GTEST_LIBRARIES:gmock;gtest

Warning: Bison executable not found in PATH

-- Library mysqlserver depends on OSLIBS -lpthread;m;crypt;dl

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

요따구 에러..

g++ 패키지 없어서 그렇것같음.

3. Bison 어쩌구 경고..
-- GTEST_LIBRARIES:gmock;gtest
Warning: Bison executable not found in PATH

$ sudo apt-get install bison

4. libpthread 의존성 어쭈구..

$ sudo apt-get install libpthread*

 다음에는 MySQL 의 아키텍쳐와 중요한 개념적인 이해에 대하여 써보도록 하겠습니다.

블로그 이미지

Good Joon

IT Professionalist Since 1999

오늘 코딩을 하다가, retainCount 값을 찍어보는 테스트 코드를 작성했다.
그런데, 예상하지 못한 결과가 나온다..

코드는 이렇다.

- (IBAction) onTouchUpTest:(id) sender
    // NSString Object
    NSString* pString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Some String"];

    NSLog(@"String ==> %@", pString);
    NSLog(@"Retain : %08X", [pString retainCount]);
    [pString release];
    NSLog(@"Released .. Retain 2 : %d", [pString retainCount]);
    pString = nil;
    NSLog(@"Released .. Retain 3 : %d", [pString retainCount]);
    NSLog(@"Release again");
    [pString release];
    NSLog(@"Second Release OK");
    //=== 일반 Object
    LHttpCommManager* pManager = [[LHttpCommManager alloc] initWithServerInfo:@"ABC"];
    NSLog(@"Retain for Manager : %d", [pManager retainCount]);
    [pManager release];
    NSLog(@"Retain after release : %d", [pManager retainCount]);
    pManager = nil;
    NSLog(@"Retain after allocating nil : %d", [pManager retainCount]);

출력 결과는 참으로 웃긴다.

2010-10-12 23:14:54.331 TestBed[9108:207] String ==> Some String
2010-10-12 23:14:54.332 TestBed[9108:207] Retain : 7FFFFFFF
2010-10-12 23:14:54.333 TestBed[9108:207] Released .. Retain 2 : 2147483647
2010-10-12 23:14:54.334 TestBed[9108:207] Released .. Retain 3 : 0
2010-10-12 23:14:54.335 TestBed[9108:207] Release again
2010-10-12 23:14:54.335 TestBed[9108:207] Second Release OK

2010-10-12 23:14:54.336 TestBed[9108:207] Retain for Manager : 1
2010-10-12 23:14:54.337 TestBed[9108:207] Retain after release : 1
2010-10-12 23:14:54.337 TestBed[9108:207] Retain after allocating nil : 0

결과를 보면, 몇가지 주의해야 할 점들이 보인다.

1. NSString 의 경우, retainCount 가 7FFFFFFF 값으로, 양의 정수 최대치가 들어온다.
2. NSString 을 Release 하더라도, retainCount 가 줄어들지 않는다.
3. nil 을 할당 한 후에도, release 나 retainCount 함수가 nil 인 Object 에 대하여 실행 된다
4. 일반 Object 는 retainCount 가 최초 1이 제대로 들어온다.
5. release 를 한다고 해도, 바로 retainCount 가 줄어들지 않는다.

==> 결론은, retainCount 를 너무 의식하거나, 이를 기반으로 코딩하지 말아야 한다.
==> release 할 Object 가 nil 인지 검사하고 release 를 호출 할 필요는 없다

위 두가지의 값진 교훈을 오늘 얻게 되었다.!
블로그 이미지

Good Joon

IT Professionalist Since 1999


파라미터로 변수명 자체를 받거나 할 때, 유용한 방법으로,



REAL=$(eval echo \$${STRING}_VAL)

echo "REAL : " ${REAL}

위와 같이 하면, $(eval echo \$${STRING}_VAL)  <-- 이 부분이 $SOME_VAL 로 변환된다.


'Software Development > Shell Script' 카테고리의 다른 글

Bash 프롬프트 변경  (0) 2009.11.15
블로그 이미지

Good Joon

IT Professionalist Since 1999


WMIC /OUTPUT:C:\ProcessList.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid


WMIC /OUTPUT:C:\ProcessList.txt path win32_process get Caption,Processid,Commandline

와 같이 WMI 커맨드로 가져올 수 있다

블로그 이미지

Good Joon

IT Professionalist Since 1999


1. WorkSpace 이하 프로젝트 폴더로 이동
2. .project 파일을 연다.
3. 소스중 natures 라는 부분 안에다가 아래 내용을 삽입한다.


4. eclipse를 다시  시작하거나 혹은 eclipse 가 열려 있었다면 프로젝트로 이동해서 새로고침후 변경내용을 적용한다.

5. Package Explorer 에서 해당 프로젝트의 properties 를 열어서 project facets 에 들어간다.

5. Java 와 Dynamic Web Modules 를 추가해 준다.

* 만약 WebContent 디렉토리 명을 바꾸고 싶다면
프로젝트 폴더 안에 있는 .setting/org.eclipse.wst.common.component 파일을 열어 WebRoot 를 다른 이름으로 바꿔주면 된다.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project-modules id="moduleCoreId" project-version="1.5.0">
    <wb-module deploy-name="ArticleService">
        <wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/WebContent"/>
        <wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src"/>
        <property name="context-root" value="ArticleService"/>
        <property name="java-output-path"/>

블로그 이미지

Good Joon

IT Professionalist Since 1999

아래 옵션들을 command line 이나 <실행파일명>.ini 파일에 두면 된다.

Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Reference > Other reference information

The Eclipse runtime options

Version 3.5 - Last revised June 4, 2009

The Eclipse platform is highly configurable. Configuration input takes the form of command line arguments and System property settings. In many cases the command line arguments are simply short cuts for setting the related System properties. In fact, there are many more System property settings than command line arguments.

Command line arguments

Listed below are the command line arguments processed by various parts of the Eclipse runtime. Many of these values can also be specified using System properties either on the command line using -D VM arguments, by specifying their values in a config.ini file or by using a <launcher>.ini file. Using the two latter techniques it is possible to customize your Eclipse without using command line arguments at all.

For each argument in the list, its corresponding System property key is given (in {}). Also given is the Eclipse runtime layer in which the command line argument is processed (in ()). This is useful for people replacing parts of the runtime to suit special needs.

-application <id> (Runtime)
equivalent to setting eclipse.application to <id>
-arch <architecture> (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.arch to <architecture>
-clean (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.clean to "true"
-configuration <location> (Main)
equivalent to setting osgi.configuration.area to <location>
-console [port] (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.console to [port] or the empty string if the default port is to be used (i.e., when the port is not specified)
-consoleLog (Runtime)
equivalent to setting eclipse.consoleLog to "true"
-data <location> (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.instance.area to <location>
-debug [options file] (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.debug to [options file] or the empty string to simply enable debug (i.e., if the options file location is not specified)
-dev [entries] (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.dev to [entries] or the empty string to simply enable dev mode (i.e., if entries are not specified)
-eclipse.keyring <file path> (Equinox)
Set to override location of the default secure storage
-eclipse.password <file path> (Equinox)
If specified, the secure storage treats contents of the file as a default password. When not set, password providers are used to obtain a password.
-feature <feature id> (Runtime)
equivalent to setting eclipse.product to <feature id>
-framework <location> (Main)
equivalent to setting osgi.framework to <location>
-initialize (Main)
initializes the configuration being run. All runtime related data structures and caches are refreshed. Any user/plug-in defined configuration data is not purged. No application is run, any product specifications are ignored and no UI is presented (e.g., the splash screen is not drawn)
-install <location> (Main)
equivalent to setting osgi.install.area to <location>
-keyring <location> (Runtime)
the location of the authorization database on disk. This argument has to be used together with the -password argument.
--launcher.library <location> (Executable)
the location of the eclipse executable's companion shared library.  If not specified the executable looks in the plugins directory for the appropriate org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.[platform] fragment with the highest version and uses the shared library named eclipse_* inside.
--launcher.ini <location> (Executable)
the location of the product .ini file to use.  If not specified the executable will look for a file beside the launcher with the same name and the extension .ini.  (ie eclipse.exe looks for eclipse.ini, product.exe looks for product.ini)
--launcher.suppressErrors (Executable)
If specified the executable will not display any error or message dialogs.  This is useful if the executable is being used in an unattended situation.
--launcher.secondThread (Executable)  MACOSX ONLY
If specified the executable will create the Java VM on a secondary thread.  This should used if a swing application is being run. SWT will NOT work if this option is specified.
--launcher.XXMaxPermSize <value> (Executable)
If specified, and the executable detects that the VM being used is a Sun VM, then the launcher will automatically add the -XX:MaxPermSize=<value> vm argument.  The executable is not capable of detecting Sun VMs on all platforms.
-name <string>
The name to be displayed in task bar item when the application starts up. When not set, the name is the name of the executable.
-nl <locale> (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.nl to <locale>
-noExit (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.noShutdown to "true"
-noLazyRegistryCacheLoading (Runtime)
equivalent to setting eclipse.noLazyRegistryCacheLoading to "true"
-noRegistryCache (Runtime)
equivalent to setting eclipse.noRegistryCache to "true"
-noSplash (Executable, Main)
controls whether or not the splash screen is shown
-os <operating system> (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.os to <operating system>
-password <password> (Runtime)
the password for the authorization database
-pluginCustomization <location> (Runtime)
equivalent to setting eclipse.pluginCustomization to <location>
-product <id> (OSGi)
equivalent to setting eclipse.product to <id>
-showSplash <bitmap> (Executable, Main)
specifies the bitmap to use in the splash screen. If specified, the launcher may be able to show the splash screen before starting the Java VM.  If not specified, Main will find the bitmap using the osgi.splashLocation and osgi.splashPath properties.
-startup <location> (Executable)
The location of jar used to startup eclipse. The jar referred to should have the Main-Class attribute set to org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main. If this parameter is not set, the executable will look in the plugins directory for theorg.eclipse.equinox.launcher bundle with the highest version.
-user <location> (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.user.area to <location>
-vm <path to java vm> (Executable, Main)
when passed to the Eclipse executable, this option is used to locate the Java VM to use to run Eclipse. It should be the full file system path to an appropriate: Java jre/bin directory, Java Executable, Java shared library (jvm.dll or libjvm.so), or a Java VM Execution Environment description file.  If not specified, the Eclipse executable uses a search algorithm to locate a suitable VM. In any event, the executable then passes the path to the actual VM used to Java Main using the -vm argument. Java Main then stores this value in eclipse.vm.
-vmargs [vmargs*] (Executable, Main)
when passed to the Eclipse, this option is used to customize the operation of the Java VM to use to run Eclipse. If specified, this option must come at the end of the command line. Even if not specified on the executable command line, the executable will automatically add the relevant arguments (including the class being launched) to the command line passed into Java using the -vmargs argument. Java Main then stores this value in eclipse.vmargs.
-ws <window system> (OSGi)
equivalent to setting osgi.ws to <window system>

Obsolete command line arguments

The following command line arguments are no longer relevant or have been superceded and are consumed by the runtime and not passed on to the application being run to maintain backward compatibility. .

see -configuration
no longer relevant
-endSplash <command>
no longer relevant
no longer relevant
no longer relevant
no longer relevant
no longer relevant
no longer relevant
no longer relevant


The following command line arguments are defined by various Eclipse plug-ins and are only supported if the defining plug-in is installed, resolved and activated.

-noVersionCheck (workbench)
-perspective (workbench)
-refresh (org.eclipse.core.resources)
-showLocation (org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench)

System properties

The following System properties are used by the Eclipse runtime. Note that those starting with "osgi" are specific to the OSGi framework implementation while those starting with "eclipse" are particular to the Eclipse runtime layered on top of the OSGi framework.

Many of these properties have command line equivalents (see the command line arguments section and the value in braces {}). Users are free to use either command line or property settings to specify a value. Properties can be set in the following ways:

  • use -DpropName=propValue as a VM argument to the Java VM
  • set the desired property in the config.ini file in the appropriate configuration area
controls activation of runtime plug-ins. RCP applications not requiring services provided by runtime plug-ins can set this property to "false" to avoid activation of runtime plug-ins on Eclipse startup
if set to "true" then the main thread will continue to wait for another application descriptor to be launched after the currently running application has quit. Stopping the system.bundle (i.e. the bundle with a bundle ID equel to zero) will force the main thread to stop waiting for another application to launch. The default value is "false"
eclipse.application {-application}
the identifier of the application to run. The value given here overrides any application defined by the product (see eclipse.product) being run
Controls launching the default application automatically once the platform is running. A default application is identified by the eclipse.product or the eclipse.application options. The default value is "true". Setting this property to "false" will prevent the default application from launching automatically. Once the platform is running the main thread will wait for an application to be launched using an application descriptor service.
Controls registration of application descriptor services for all installed applications. The default value is "false". If set to "false" only the default application will have an application descriptor service registered. If set to "true" then all installed applications will have an application descriptor service registered.
a new-line separated list of all command-line arguments passed in when launching Eclipse
if "true", any log output is also sent to Java's System.out (typically back to the command shell if any). Handy when combined with -debug
the time in milliseconds when the Java VM for this session was started
if set to "true" then the framework will check the required execution environment at bundle install time. The default value is "false".
if set to "true" then the platform will exit if an unhandled error occurs. The default value is "true".
An option, if "true", that supresses any warnings Eclipse may provoke when running on GCJ. See bug 191254 for details.
if set to "true" then the main launching thread will not start the default application and will proceed in shutting down the platform and exiting. The default value is "false". This is different than the eclipse.application.launchDefault option because the main thread will not wait for an application descriptor service to be launched.
sets the level used when logging messages to the eclipse log.
  • ERROR - enables logging only ERROR messages.
  • WARNING - enables logging of ERROR and WARNING messages.
  • INFO - enables logging of ERROR, WARNING and INFO messages.
  • ALL - enables logging of all messages (default value)
the max number of backup log files to allow. The oldest backup log file will be deleted after the max number of backup log files is reached as a result of rotating the log file. The default value is "10". A negative or zero value will cause the default value to be used.
the max size in Kb that the log file is allowed to grow. The log file is rotated when the file size exceeds the max size. The default value is "1000". A negative value will cause the default value to be used. A zero value indicates no max log size.
if "true", legacy registry extension are left as-is. By default such extensions are updated to use the new extension point ids found in Eclipse 3.0.
eclipse.noLazyRegistryCacheLoading {-noLazyRegistryCacheLoading}
if "true", the platform's plug-in registry cache loading optimization is deactivated. By default, configuration elements are loaded from the registry cache (when available) only on demand, reducing memory footprint. This option forces the registry cache to be fully loaded at startup.
eclipse.noRegistryCache {-noRegistryCache}
if "true", the internal extension registry cache is neither read or written
eclipse.pluginCustomization {-pluginCustomization}
the file system location of a properties file containing default settings for plug-in preferences. These default settings override default settings specified in the primary feature. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the current working directory for eclipse itself.
eclipse.product {-product}
the identifier of the product being run. This controls various branding information and what application is used.
controls registration of OSGi services. Set to "false" to suppress registration of OSGi services by the org.eclipse.core.jobs plug-in
Controls registration of OSGi services. Set to "false" to suppress registration of OSGi services by the org.eclipse.equinox.preferences plug-in
This property is set at the time eclipse is started. The value of this property a string representation of the value returned by System.currentTimeMillis(). This value is not intended to be set by users.
the delay interval (in milliseconds) for persisting state change requests. The default is 30000 ms (30 seconds). State change requests are delayed to prevent massive amounts of disk writes while performing administrative operations (e.g. installing bundles). The delay interval is used to wait for a period of inactivity before persisting the framework state information.
specifies that a security policy and manager should be configured when the framework is launched. If the launcher is used (org.eclipse.equinox.launcher) and this property is set to any value then the launcher will configure a java.security.Policy that grants all permissions to the launcher and the framework. When the framework is launched it will use this property to determine the security manager to use. If set to osgi then the Equinox security manager is used. This security manager is required to fully support the OSGi Conditional Permission Admin specification. If the property is set to the empty string then java.lang.SecurityManager will be used; otherwise the property specifies a security manager class that should be used as the security manager.
eclipse.trace.size.max NEW
the max size in Kb that the trace file is allowed to grow. The trace file is rotated when the file size exceeds the max size. The default value is "1000". A negative value will cause the default value to be used. A zero value indicates no max trace size.
eclipse.trace.backup.max NEW
the max number of backup trace files to allow. The oldest backup trace file will be deleted after the max number of backup trace files is reached as a result of rotating the trace file. The default value is "10". A negative or zero value will cause the default value to be used.
eclipse.vm {-vm}
the path to the Java executable used to run Eclipse. This information is used to construct relaunch command lines.
eclipse.vmargs {-vmargs}
lists the VM arguments used to run Eclipse. This information is used to construct relaunch command lines.
If set to "server", security modules will not attempt to substitute VM's JAAS processing.
the class name of the OSGi framework adaptor to use.
osgi.arch {-arch}
see -arch
specifies a base configuration that is used when osgi.configuration.area is not specified.
specifies a limit on the number of jar files the framework will keep open. The minimum value allowed is 10. By default the value is unlimited.
The comma-separated list of bundles which are automatically installed and optionally started once the system is up and running. Each entry is of the form:
    <URL | simple bundle location>[@ [<start-level>] [":start"]]
If the start-level (>0 integer) is omitted then the framework will use the default start level for the bundle. If the "start" tag is added then the bundle will be marked as started after being installed. Simple bundle locations are interepreted as relative to the framework's parent directory. The start-level indicates the OSGi start level at which the bundle should run. If this value is not set, the system computes an appropriate default.
this is the startlevel that all bundles will be set to if installed by Eclipse Update. Bundles which are specified on the osgi.bundles list can specify a particular startlevel. If they do not specify a startlevel then they default to the value of osgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel. The default value of osgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel is 4.
if set to "true" then the parent (boot by default) classloader is delegated to as a last resort if a class or resource cannot be found. The default value is "true".
A bundle may specify a lazy activation policy using the bundle manifest headers Eclipse-LazyStart or Bundle-ActivationPolicy. According to the OSGi R4.1 specification, if a bundle with a lazy activation policy fails to start then class loads must still succeed. Before the OSGi R4.1 specification Eclipse defined the lazy activation policy such that failed starts would cause class loading errors to be thrown. If osgi.compatibility.errorOnFailedStart is set to "true" then failed starts will result in class loading errors; otherwise the activation error is logged and the classes are allowed to load from bundles which failed to start. The default value is "true".
The OSGi R4.1 specification mandates that all bundles must be marked for start before they are allowed to activate. This includes bundles which specify a lazy activation policy. A new method Bundle.start(options) has been added to allow lazy activated bundles to be activated according to their lazy activation policy. Before the OSGi R4.1 specification Eclipse defined the lazy activation policy such that lazy activated were automatically activated on first class load even though they were not marked for activation. If osgi.compatibility.eagerStart.LazyActivation is set to "true" then bundles with the lazy activation policy will automatically be marked for activation; otherwise bundles with the lazy activation policy must be started with the new Bundle.start(options) method before being allowed to lazy activate. The default value is "true".
if set to "true" then timestamps are check in the configuration cache to ensure that the cache is up to date with respect to the contents of the installed bundles. The default value is "false".
if set to "true" then only one thread is allowed to load a class at a time. The default value is "false". This option can be used to work around certain VM bugs which can cause deadlock. See bug 121737. Note that recent discussions in bug 227587 have shown that this option introduces another kind of deadlock.
the classloader locking strategy to use when defining classes. The valid types are the following:
  • classname - lock on the classname.
  • classloader - lock on the classloader (default value).
There are cases where bundle cycles may cause class loader deadlock to occur (see bug 229621). This option can be used to work around this deadlock by locking on the class name instead of the class loader when defining a class. This option should be used with caution because some VMs still lock the class loader natively (e.g. the Sun VM). When running on these kinds of VMs deadlock can still occur because of the VM lock.
osgi.classloader.copy.natives NEW
If set to "true" then native code which is loaded from a bundle will be copied to a unique location on disk each time a class loader asks to load the library from the bundle. This may be needed in scenarios where the framework is restarted without shutting down the VM. The default value is "false".
osgi.classloader.type NEW
If set to "parallel" then a check is done on JavaSE 7 for the ClassLoader#registerAsParallelCapable method and if found then it is called to allow for parallel class loads. On Java SE 7 this is the preferred way to avoid class loader deadlock because of cyclic class loaders.
if set to "true", any cached data used by the OSGi framework and eclipse runtime will be wiped clean. This will clean the caches used to store bundle dependency resolution and eclipse extension registry data. Using this option will force eclipse to reinitialize these caches.
if set to "true", this configuration is cascaded to a parent configuration. The parent configuration is specified by the osgi.sharedConfiguration.area. See the section on locations for more details.
osgi.configuration.area {-configuration}
the configuration location for this run of the platform. The configuration determines what plug-ins will run as well as various other system settings. See the section on locations for more details.
the default configuration location for this run of the platform. The configuration determines what plug-ins will run as well as various other system settings. This value (i.e., the default setting) is only used if no value for the osgi.configuration.area is set. See the section on locations for more details.
osgi.console {-console}
if set to a non-null value, the OSGi console (if installed) is enabled. If the value is a suitable integer, it is interpreted as the port on which the console listens and directs its output to the given port. Handy for investigating the state of the system.
the class name of the console to run if requested
if set then the specified value is used as the encoding for the console (see osgi.console). If not set then the value of the file.encoding property is used. If file.encoding is not set then iso8859-1 is used as the default.
the classloader type to use as the parent classloader of the context classloader used by the Framework. The valid types are the following:
  • app - the application classloader.
  • boot - the boot classloader.
  • ext - the extension classloader.
  • fwk - the framework classloader.
  • ccl - the original context classloader that was set when the framework launched (default value).
osgi.debug {-debug}
if set to a non-null value, the platform is put in debug mode. If the value is a string it is interpreted as the location of the .options file. This file indicates what debug points are available for a plug-in and whether or not they are enabled. If a location is not specified, the platform searches for the .options file under the install directory.
osgi.dev {-dev}
if set to the empty string, dev mode is simply turned on. This property may also be set to a comma-separated class path entries which are added to the class path of each plug-in or a URL to a Java properties file containing custom classpath additions for a set of plug-ins. For each plug-in requiring a customized dev time classpath the file will contain an entry of the form
    <plug-in id>=<comma separated list of classpath entries to add>
where plug-in id "*" matches any plug-in not otherwise mentioned.
specifies an optional OS specific command to set file permissions on extracted native code. On some operating systems it is required that native libraries be set to executable. This optional property allows you to specify the command. For example, on a UNIX style OS you could have the following value:
    osgi.filepermissions.command="chmod +rx [fullpath]"
The [fullpath] is used to substitute the actual file path by the framework.
the URL location of the OSGi framework. Useful if the Eclipse install is disjoint. See the section on locations for more details.
a comma separated list of classpath entries for the OSGi framework implementation. Relative locations are interpreted as relateve to the framework location (see osgi.framework)
a comma-separated list of framework extensions. Each entry is of the form:
    <simple bundle location>
Simple bundle locations are searched in the parent directory of the org.eclipse.osgi bundle. Framework extensions may be used to run Eclipse with a different framework adaptor. The framework extension may contain an eclipse.properties file to set system properties. For example, a framework extension that provides a framework adaptor implementation can specify what the adaptor class is by setting the osgi.adaptor property.
set to the shape of the Eclipse OSGi Framework implementation. This property is set when the Eclipse platform is started and is not intended by be set by the user. The value "jar" indicates that the Eclipse OSGi Framework is contained in a single jar. The value "folder" indicates that the Eclipse OSGi Framework is contained in a directory.
a comma separated list of additional library file extensions that must be searched for. If not set then only the library name returned by System.mapLibraryName(String) will be used to search. This is needed for certain operating systems which allow more than one extension for a library. For example AIX allows library extensions of .a and .so, but System.mapLibraryName(String) will only return names with the .a extension.
the classloader type to use as the parent classloader for the the Framework. The valid types are the following:
  • app - the application classloader.
  • boot - the boot classloader.
  • ext - the extension classloader.
  • current - the classloader used to load the equinox launcher.
if set to normal then an active framework thread is started when the framework is launched that monitors the lifecycle of the framework. This thread is a non-daemon thread and is used to prevent the VM from shutting down when the framework is active and only daemon threads are active in the VM. When the framework is shutdown then the active framework thread will quit which should allow the VM to shutdown as long as no other non-deamon threads are active in the VM. By default no active framework thread is started when the framework is launched.
controls whether the framework properties are backed by the global System properties or held privately for each instance of the framework. By default the framework properties are backed by the System properties (e.g. true). This property is useful when running multiple instances of the OSGi Framework within the same VM and each instance has a separate set of configuration properties (e.g. set in the config.ini).
a comma separated list of generic aliases that can be used to map existing manifest headers onto Eclipse-GenericCapability and Eclipse-GenericRequire manifest headers. The osgi.genericAliases property uses the following syntax:
  osgi.genericAliases ::= generic-alias ( ',' generic-alias ) *
  generic-alias       ::= capability-alias ':' require-alias ':' capability-type
For example, to map the OSGi headers Export-Service and Import-Service headers onto Eclipse-GenericCapability and Eclipse-GenericRequire headers you would use the following value:
a comma separated list of hook configurators. If this property is set then the list of configurators specified will be the only configurators used. Any hook configurators specified in hookconfigurators.properties files will be ignored.
a comma separated list of additional hook configuratiors. This is helpful for configuring optional hook configurators. This option is ignored if the osgi.hook.configurators option is used.
a comma separated list of hook configurators to exclude. This is helpful for disabling hook configurators that are specified in hook configurator properties files. This option is ignored if the osgi.hook.configurators option is used.
a URL to the JRE profile file to use. The specified URL is read as a Java properties file. A JRE profile contains values for the properties org.osgi.framework.system.packages, org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation and org.osgi.framework.executionenvironment. If the osgi.java.profile is not set then a profile is selected based on the java.specification.version value of the running JRE.
a java profile osgi.java.profile may contain a "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" property. This value may be used to set the system property "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation". The osgi.java.profile.bootdelegation indicates the policy for bootdelegation to be used. The following values are valid (default is ignore):
  • ignore - indicates that the "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" value in the java profile should be ingored. The system property "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" will be used to determine which packages should be delegated to boot.
  • override - indicates that the "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" in the java profile should override the system property "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation".
  • none - indicates that the "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" in the java profile AND the system properties should be ignored. This is the most strict option. Running with this option causes the framework to use the OSGi R4 strict boot delegation model.
osgi.install.area {-install}
the install location of the platform. This setting indicates the location of the basic Eclipse plug-ins and is useful if the Eclipse install is disjoint. See the section on locations for more details.
osgi.instance.area {-data}
the instance data location for this session. Plug-ins use this location to store their data. For example, the Resources plug-in uses this as the default location for projects (aka the workspace). See the section on locations for more details.
the default instance data location for this session. Plug-ins use this location to store their data. For example, the Resources plug-in uses this as the default location for projects (aka the workspace). This value (i.e., the default setting) is only used if no value for the osgi.instance.area is set. See the section on locations for more details.
the locking type to use for this run of the platform. The valid locking types are "java.io", "java.nio", and "none". The default value is "java.nio" unless the JRE does not support "java.nio" then "java.io" is the default.
the location where generated manifests are discovered and generated. The default is in the configuration area but the manifest cache can be stored separately.
osgi.nl {-nl}
the name of the locale on which Eclipse platform will run. NL values should follow the standard Java locale naming conventions.
the name of the locale when the user explicitly adds -nl to the command-line arguments.
osgi.noShutdown {-noExit}
if "true", the VM will not exit after the eclipse application has ended. This is useful for examining the OSGi framework after the eclipse application has ended.
osgi.os {-os}
the operating system value. The value should be one of the Eclipse processor architecture names known to Eclipse (e.g., x86, sparc, ...).
the classloader type to use as the parent classloader for all bundles installed in the Framework. The valid types are the following:
  • app - the application classloader.
  • boot - the boot classloader.
  • ext - the extension classloader.
  • fwk - the framework classloader.
The minimum java version that is required to launch Eclipse. The default value is "1.4.1".
the mode used to resolve bundles installed in the Framework. The default resolver mode is not strict. The following options are available.
  • strict - the resolver is in strict mode and will enforce access restriction rules when loading classes and resources from exported packages which specify the x-internal or x-friends directives.
  • development - used for development time resolution. This mode disables certain resolver rules that are not needed at development time. For example, singleton selection is disabled to allow the development of multiple versions of a singleton bundle
the resolver mode used to resolve uses directives on Export-Package statements.
  • aggressive - aggressively seeks a solution with no class space inconsistencies (default value). This mode may be very expensive depending on the number of bundles and number of duplicate exports in the system.
  • tryFirst - only tries the first solution selected by the resolver. This mode is very fast but may result in unresolved bundles because of class space inconsistencies.
  • ignore - ignores all uses directives on exports. This mode is very fast by may result in inconsistent class spaces in resolved bundles.
the shared configuration location for this run of the platform. If the osgi.configuration.cascaded property is set to "true" then shared configuration area is used as the parent configuration.
A comma separated list of options for signed content support. The valid types are the following:
  • certificate - enables parsing and verification of certificates.
  • trust - enables verification of certificate trust. This option implies "certificate".
  • runtime - enables verification of signed bundle content at runtime. This option implies "certificate".
  • authority - enables the default authorization engine. This option implies "certificate" and "trust"..
  • all - same as "certificate,trust,runtime,authority".
A service property key used to identify an implementation of the org.eclipse.osgi.service.security.TrustEngine service. A TrustEngine service should be registered with a unique value for this property to allow selection of the TrustEngine service implementation. The osgi.signedcontent.trust.engine property can be used as a configuration property to select particular TrustEngine service implementations at runtime. If this property is not set then all available TrustEngine services are used at runtime.
the absolute URL location of the splash screen (.bmp file) to to show while starting Eclipse. This property overrides any value set in osgi.splashPath.
a comma separated list of URLs to search for a file called splash.bmp. This property is overriden by any value set in osgi.splashLocation.
the start level value the framework will be set to at startup. The default value is 6.
osgi.support.multipleHosts NEW
if set to true then the framework will attempt to attach a fragment to all available host bundles which satisfy the fragment bundle's Fragment-Host constraint. The default value is false.
This option has been deprecated. Use osgi.signedcontent.support instead.
if set to true then the certificates available from a signed bundle are used when defining the classes from the signed bundle. The default value is true. This option only takes effect when osgi.signedcontent.support is set to certificate.
set to the path where the eclipse OSGi Framework (org.eclipse.osgi) implementation is located. For example, "<eclipse install path>/eclipse/plugins". This property is set when the Eclipse platform is started and is not intended by be set by the user.
osgi.user.area {-user}
the location of the user area. The user area contains data (e.g., preferences) specific to the OS user and independent of any Eclipse install, configuration or instance. See the section on locations for more details.
the default location of the user area. The user area contains data (e.g., preferences) specific to the OS user and independent of any Eclipse install, configuration or instance. This value (i.e., the default setting) is only used if no value for the osgi.user.area is set. See the section on locations for more details.
osgi.ws {-ws}
the window system value. The value should be one of the Eclipse window system names known to Eclipse (e.g., win32, motif, ...).


The Eclipse runtime defines a number of locations which give plug-in developers context for reading/storing data and Eclipse users a control over the scope of data sharing and visibility. Eclipse defines the following notions of location:

User (-user) {osgi.user.area} [@none, @noDefault, @user.home, @user.dir, filepath, url]
User locations are specific to, go figure, users. Typically the user location is based on the value of the Java user.home system property but this can be overridden. Information such as user scoped preferences and login information may be found in the user location.
Install (-install) {osgi.install.area} [@user.home, @user.dir, filepath, url]
An install location is where Eclipse itself is installed. In practice this location is the directory (typically "eclipse") which is the parent of the eclipse.exe being run or the plugins directory containing the org.eclipse.equinox.launcher bundle. This location should be considered read-only to normal users as an install may be shared by many users. It is possible to set the install location and decouple eclipse.exe from the rest of Eclipse.
Configuration (-configuration) {osgi.configuration.area} [@none, @noDefault, @user.home, @user.dir, filepath, url]
Configuration locations contain files which identify and manage the (sub)set of an install to run. As such, there may be many configurations per install. Installs may come with a default configuration area but typical startup scenarios involve the runtime attempting to find a more writable configuration location.
Instance (-data) {osgi.instance.area} [@none, @noDefault, @user.home, @user.dir, filepath, url]
Instance locations contain user-defined data artifacts. For example, the Resources plug-in uses the instance area as the workspace location and thus the default home for projects. Other plugins are free to write whatever files they like in this location.

While users can set any of these locations, Eclipse will compute reasonable defaults if values are not given. The most common usecase for setting location is the instance area or, in the IDE context, the workspace. To run the default Eclipse configuration on a specific data set you can specify:

    eclipse -data c:\mydata

More detail

Locations are URLs. For simplicity, file paths are also accepted and automatically converted to file: URLs. For better control and convenience, there are also a number of predefined symbolic locations which can be used. Note that not all combinations of location type and symbolic value are valid. A table below details which combinations are possible. Since the default case is for all locations to be set, valid and writable, some plug-ins may fail in other setups even if they are listed as possible. For example, it is unreasonable to expect a plug-in focused on user data (e.g., the Eclipse Resources plug-in) to do much if the instance area is not defined. It is up to plug-in developers to choose the setups they support and design their function accordingly.

Indicates that the corresponding location should never be set either explicitly or to its default value. For example, an RCP style application which has no user data may use osgi.instance.area=@none to prevent extraneous files being written to disk. @none must not be followed by any additional path segments.
Forces a location to be undefined or explicitly defined (i.e., Eclipse will not automatically compute a default value). This is useful where you want to allow for data in the corresponding location but the Eclipse default value is not appropriate. @noDefault must not be followed by any additional path segments.
Directs Eclipse to compute a location value relative to the user's home directory. @user.home can be followed by additional path segments. In all cases, the string "@user.home" is simply replaced with the value of the Java "user.home" System property. For example, setting
results in a value of
Directs Eclipse to compute a location value relative to the current working directory. @user.dir can be followed by additional path segments. In all cases, the string "@user.dir" is simply replaced with the value of the Java "user.dir" System property. For example, setting
results in a value of
supports default
yes (default)

* indicates that this setup is technically possible but pragmatically quite difficult to manage. In particular, without a configuration location the Eclipse runtime may only get as far as starting the OSGi framework.

Read-only Locations

A location may be specified as a read-only location by appending ".readOnly" to the location property and setting it to the value "true". The following properties can be used to specify their corresponding locations as read-only:

Launcher ini file

The eclipse.exe and more generally executables for RCP applications now read their parameters from an associated ini file. This file offers a platform independent way to pass in arguments that previously had to be specified directly on the command line such as vm or vm arguments. Although all parameters can be specified in this file, it recommend for maintainability and consistency across various installations to only specifiy the vm location and the vm arguments in this ini file and use the config.ini file for others.

File format

This file must be named after the executable name (for example, eclipse.exe will read eclipse.ini, whereas launcher.exe will read launcher.ini) and every parameter must be specified on a new line in the file. Here is an example of such a file specifying the vm location and some parameters:


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IT Professionalist Since 1999


Sun 장비의 메모리 확인

Sun 장비의 RAM의 양을 빨리 확인하기 위해서는

/usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Mem
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/usr/ucb/ps auwxw

하면 짤리는 것 없이 모두다 보인다
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IT Professionalist Since 1999
